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Platinum Trophy

Получите все остальные трофеи




Frequent Flyer

All the challenges on each mountain have been completed.


Incredible! You’ve beaten Shaun White!

Town Bicycle

You’ve played every challenge multiplayer. Way to go!



Ultimate Ultimate

You have completed every Ultimate Competition.


You’ve earned a ridiculous amount of respect!

Mardi Gras

Played all challenges online in Park City.


Played all challenges online in Europe.


Played all challenges online in Japan.

Ice Worm

Played all challenges online in Alaska.

Mecha Shredzilla

You have gained a ridiculous amount of respect while playing online!


Win the CAPiTA® SlopeStyle




Завершите все состязания в Park City

Baron Von C

Вы всем понравились в Park City.


Вы понравились всем в Европе!


Завершите все квесты в Европе


Завершите все состязания в Японии


Вы понравились всем в Японии

All Aska

Пройдите все состязания на Аляске

Bizzy Bear

Вы понравлись всем на Аляске

Slammy McSlammerton

Вы выиграли в Triple Slam

Supa Bounce

Получите Big Air focus power

Supa Flash

Получите Speed Boost focus power

Supa Power

Получите Power Shove focus power

Dr. Air

That was an incredibly sick air trick!

Dr. Butter

That was one gnarly ground trick!

Dr. Jib

That was jibbing at its finest. What an impressive score!

High Stakes

You sent those other chumps to the poorhouse, and now you’re the richest person I know


The Gambler

That wasn’t much of a gamble. You beat those other riders easy!

Generation 2.0

Thanks for putting a video online. I bet it will totally be the best one on the internet.

New Kid On The Block

Выиграйте в сетевой игре.


You make a strange looking helicopter when you spin that much


Получите все Style Bonusы

Living on the Edge

Riding a cliff edge for so long was intense. Maybe not very smart, but very cool.

Gravity Allergy

That was a lot of hangtime. You must have legs made out of iron.

Trans Flat

That was one loooooooonnnnnggggg butter!

Touchy Feely

That was so many grabs in a single jump! Are your hands burning?


You’ve earned a cascade of points from a single avalanche.


You had the multiplier maxed out for so long I forgot that it changes!

Big Run

That was a totally impressive run.


You’ve done so many spins on a single rail, it made me sick just watching.

Like a Top

You do longer butter spins than I’ve ever seen!


You’ve ridden a chairlift from bottom to top.

Dropping the Science

That was an awesome sequence of big tricks!

Demon Sings

You rock! Start headbanging….. now! \m/ \m/

It’s Only a Game

Wow. You should be dead right now, nice bail.


You knocked somebody out of the air with a snowball! You jerk!


Nice! You nailed a bunch of style bonuses in a single jump.




перевод не мог найти

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обновил кто перевод найдёт хорошо будет

Я помогу с переводом.

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