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В http://s56.radikal.ru/i151/0811/60/6543a0740c02.png 50 трофеев: Бронза - 37, Серебро :aniem022: - 10, Золото - 2, Платина - 1.




Along for the Ride - Beat an instrument-specific challenge while playing another instrument

Band Savior - Was a savior 3 times during a single song

Beat It! - Completed all beats at 60BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 140BPM or higher

Challenge Master - Completed either 25 Challenges on Hard, or 10 Challenges on Expert

Challenge Novice - Completed either 25 Challenges on Medium, 10 Challenges on Hard, or 5 Challenges on Expert

Clothes to the Edge - Bought over $100,000 worth of items from the Rock Shop

Comeback Kid - Defeated the last player that defeated you in either Score Duel or Tug of War

East Coast Performer - Played a set on the East Coast of North America

Eastern European Performer - Played a set in Eastern Europe

Fill Legend - Completed all fills at 100BPM or higher, or half of the fills at 180BPM or higher

Fill Me In - Completed all fills at 60BPM or higher, or half of the fills at 140BPM or higher

Flawless Drumming - Scored 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert

Flawless Fretwork - Scored 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert

Flawless Groove - Scored 100% notes hit as a bassist, up-strums only, on Expert

Flawless Guitar Solo - 100% on a guitar solo on Expert, using only the solo buttons

Flawless Singing - Scored a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert

God Save the Band - Played a set in the United Kingdom

Got Wheels - Won a Van in World Tour

Groove Assassin - Beat the Impossible Bass Challenge

Heartland Performer - Played a set in Middle America

Hello Cleveland! - Deployed Vocal Overdrive 4 times in a single song

Jet Setter - Won a Jet in World Tour

Million Point Club - Earned more than 1,000,000 points in a single song

Needs more Umlauts! - Made a band logo

Open Road - Won a Bus in World Tour

Overdrive Overdose - Achieved an 8x Band Multiplier

The Bachman-Turner Award - Maintained deployed Overdrive for 90 seconds.

The Beat Goes On - Completed all beats at 100BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 180BPM or higher

The Final Countdown - Unlock an Impossible Challenge

The San Dimas 4th Annual Award - Competed in a Battle of the Bands event

Victory! - Defeated a player in either Score Duel or Tug of War

Vinyl Artist - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Medium

West Coast Performer - Played a set on the West Coast of North America

Western Europe Performer - Played a set in Western Europe

World Tourer - Played in every venue in the world

Worldwide Sensation - Gained the ability to play around the world

You Killed the Radio Star - Made a music video in World Tour

You're Hired! - Hired a staff member




AN-I-MAL!!! - Beat the Impossible Drum Challenge

Buy a Real Instrument Already! - Beat any Impossible Challenge on Expert

Challenge Savant - Completed 25 Challenges on Expert

Gold Artist - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Hard

Lord of the Strings - Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge

One Million Fans - Reached 1,000,000 fans in World Tour

Rock Immortal Inductee - Joined the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals list

Solid Gold, Baby! - Gold Starred a song

Stage Igniters - Beat the Impossible Band Challenge

Virtuoso - Beat the Impossible Vocal Challenge




Platinum Artist - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Expert

The Bladder of Steel Award - Completed the Endless Setlist 2 without pausing or failing




Complete Discography - Wow! You've gotten all the trophies in Rock Band 2

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в одном сообщении стоит ограничение на количество картинок, наверное поэтому

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в одном сообщении стоит ограничение на количество картинок, наверное поэтому

Нет.Я пользуюсь "Управление текущими файлами".




Использовано места 493,73 килобайт из 500 килобайт

Макс. размер для одного файла: 6,27 килобайт


Что делать?

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проблема решена...?

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  • 2 months later...
ГДЕ можно заказать эту игру фулл кит чтобы

В россии нигде, но комплект от Ворлд тура подходит и для рокбэнда! А где диск купить я знаю =))) Хотя там можно купить и первый вместе со вторым, вроде ещё остались поставки, если интересно, пиши в личку!

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  • 3 months later...

ненавижу тех, кто сделал барабаны для гитар-хироу ворлд тур... полная куйня! детка... Сейчас наконец понял как трофеи бит ит и фил ит открыт... Какие задроты тестировали это...

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  • 1 month later...

дааа барабаны не очень ))) тарелки за...бывают ))

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