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В игре 54 трофея: Бронза :aniem019: - 48, Серебро :zsilver: - 2, Золото :zgold: - 3, Платина :rolleyes: - 1.




post-166-1224495721.png Ammo Inventor - The player has successfully invented all possible ammo types

post-166-1224495750.png Avid Inventor - Successfully invent at least 100 items

post-166-1224495828.png Basic Inventor - The player has successfully invented at least one item

post-166-1224495867.png Became a Big Daddy - The player has become a Big Daddy

post-166-1224495985.png Bought One Slot - The player has purchased one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track

post-166-1224496018.png Broke Fontaine's Mind Control - The player has broken Fontaine's mind control

post-166-1224497012.png Completed Cohen's Masterpiece - The player has completed Sander Cohen's great masterpiece

post-166-1224497091.png Completed Welcome - The player has successfully completed the Welcome To Rapture Level

post-166-1224497135.png Dealt with every Little Sister - The player has either Harvested or Rescued every possible Little Sister

post-166-1224497195.png Defeated Andrew Ryan - The player has defeated Andrew Ryan

post-166-1224497240.png Defeated Atlas - The player has defeated Atlas

post-166-1224497365.png Defeated Dr. Steinman - The player has defeated the crazed Dr. Steinman

post-166-1224497407.png Defeated Peach Wilkins - The player has defeated Peach Wilkins

post-166-1224497514.png Five Fully Upgraded Weapons - Fully upgrade five weapons

post-166-1224497572.png Found Cohen's Room - The player has entered Sander Cohen's personal quarters

post-166-1224497642.png Four Fully Upgraded Weapons - Fully upgrade four weapons

post-166-1224497758.png Fully Researched Bouncer - Fully research the Bouncer

post-166-1224497838.png Fully Researched Gun Splicer - The player has fully researched the Leadhead Splicer

post-166-1224497918.png Fully Researched Houdini Splicer - Fully research the Houdini Splicer

post-166-1224497967.png Fully Researched Little Sister - Fully research the Little Sister

post-166-1224498017.png Fully Researched Nitro Splicer - Fully research the Nitro Splice

post-166-1224498099.png Fully Researched Rosie - Fully research the Rosie

post-166-1224498170.png Fully Researched Spider Splicer - The player has fully researched the Spider Splicer

post-166-1224498240.png Fully Researched Thug Splicer - The player has fully researched the Thuggish Splicer

post-166-1224498285.png Hacked a Safe - The player has successfully hacked a safe

post-166-1224498371.png Hacked a Security Bot - The player has successfully hacked a security bot

post-166-1224498405.png Hacked a Security Camera - The player has successfully hacked a security camera

post-166-1224498461.png Hacked a Turret - The player has successfully hacked a turret

post-166-1224498516.png Hacked a Vending Machine - The player has successfully hacked a vending machine

post-166-1224498556.png Irony - The player has taken a picture of Sander Cohen's corpse

post-166-1224498625.png Lucky Winner - Hit the jackpot at a slot machine

post-166-1224498675.png Maxed All Tracks - Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks

post-166-1224498731.png Maxed One Track - The player has purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks

post-166-1224498772.png One Fully Upgraded Weapon - The player has fully upgraded one weapon

post-166-1224498824.png One Successful Hack - The player has performed at least one successful hack

post-166-1224498873.png Prolific Photographer - Take at least one photo in every research group

post-166-1224498911.png Quality Research Photo - The player has taken a Research Photo of the highest grade

post-166-1224498980.png Research PhD - Max out all possible research

post-166-1224499019.png Researched a Splicer - The player has taken at least one Research Photo of a Splicer

post-166-1224499099.png Restored the Forest - The player has restored the forests of Arcadia

post-166-1224499143.png Seriously Good At This - The player has completed the game on the Hard difficulty setting

post-166-1224499203.png Skilled Hacker - The player has successfully completed 50 hacks

post-166-1224499290.png Three Fully Upgraded Weapons - The player has fully upgraded three weapons

post-166-1224499330.png Toaster in the Tub - The player has shocked an enemy in the water

post-166-1224499367.png Tonic Collector - Collect or Invent 58 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks

post-166-1224499416.png Two Fully Upgraded Weapons - The player has fully upgraded two weapons

post-166-1224499570.png Upgraded a Weapon - The player has acquired at least one weapon upgrade

post-166-1224499607.png Weapon Specialist - Acquire all upgrades for all weapons




post-166-1224499681.png Historian - Find every audio diary

post-166-1224499722.png Little Sister Savior - The player has completed the game without harvesting any Little Sisters




post-166-1224499807.png A Man Chooses - Complete the game on Survivor difficulty

post-166-1224499864.png Brass Balls - Complete the game on Hard difficulty without using a Vita-Chamber

post-166-1224499920.png I Chose the Impossible - Complete the game on Survivor difficulty without using a Vita-chamber




post-166-1224499979.png PLATINUM TROPHY - Collected all other BioShock trophies


P.S:Простите пожалуйста что не перевёл.Времени не было.























































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а у игры 2 концовки))



знающих прошу не спойлерить

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ну на пс3 пока не продается))

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игра мега.кто не играл покупайте не прогадаете

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игра мега.кто не играл покупайте не прогадаете

мне игра не понравилась....Непонимаю почему эта игра была выбрана игрой года!!!!!!!

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тока щас заметил, что золотые трофеи задротские =((((((

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ну на пс3 пока не продается))

Ам... Продаеться, уже сижу второй день гамаю.

И золотые трофеи не задротские ) Немного ума, и можно получить без проблем.

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да и вообще нафиг делать трофеи, которые подразумевают поворное прохождение? =\


игра не такая уж и затягивающая на второе прохождение

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Да эти трофей нужны только для самого себя ,утешить своё самолюбие .платина ничего не стоит,

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Да эти трофей нужны только для самого себя ,утешить своё самолюбие .платина ничего не стоит,


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  • 3 weeks later...

помогите!проходил давно на компе,забыл...где достать телекенезис на 2 левеле?играю на импосыбле

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Обновляйте список трофеев. добавили еще 12 штук. (по мотивам three Challenge Rooms)

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  • 3 weeks later...
а у игры 2 концовки))


Поправка. У игры три концовки, но принцип выбора одной из них идентичный.

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2 там концовки - все зависит от сестер

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2 там концовки - все зависит от сестер


Три!!! Всё зависит от сестёр.

1) Убил всех;

2) Убил больше двух;

3) Ниодной не убил.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Подскажите, как пробраться в апортаменты Сандера Коэна?

Не знаю как получить трофей...

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Подскажите, как пробраться в апортаменты Сандера Коэна?

Не знаю как получить трофей...

Если ты его убил то не как

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Если ты его убил то не как

не убивай его при первой встрече на лестнице около его шедевра.и после встретишь его еще раз.заодно и попадешь в его комнату.кстати там апгрейд оружия будет

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А его вообще не встерчал вживую....

зы.советую скачать пак с картами.Серебрянный трофей(Worlds of Hurt-Tought Guy) легкий даже на харде(я проходил).Про сурвивор не знаю...

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