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Продаю Лицензионные Игры Диски PSP, PS2, PS3

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Продаю меняю Лицензионные Игры Диски Для ps3 ps2 psp в Ростове-на-Дону

тел. 89515149817 icq 406627600 frusners@yandex.ru


отправляю почтой по России предоплатой полной(если нужны гарантии , прошу на молоток.ру), или наложкой после предоплаты почтовых расходов. проверенным возможно полностью наложкой.

список игр не полный, спрашивайте. фото устаревшие могут быть, смотрите список.

Игры http://imagehost.spark-media.ru/p3/908D8337-4AFF-7056-F744-0918C3D698E5.gif


Название Цена

50 cent bllood on the sand 700

Ace Combat Assault Horizon 800

Alien vs Predator 800

Army of 2 700

Assassins Creed 700

Assassins Creed Brotherhood 900

Batman archam asylum 800

Batman archam city 900

Battlefield Bad Company 2 700

Battlfield Bad Company 600

Bioshock 500

Bioshock 2 600

Blades of times 700

Bodycount 700

Brothers in Arms 600

Brutal legend 600

Call of Duty Black OPS 900

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 800

Call of Duty War at War 700

Call of Juarez 3 The Cartel 900

Club 700

Darkness 2 1000

dead island 800

Dead space 2 800

Dragon Age II 800

Dragon age: Начало 800

Dungeon Siege 3 700

Dynasty Warriors 6 900

Eye Pet 700

F1 2010 600

Fallout 3 700

Fallout New Vegas 900

Fear 3 800

Fifa 08 400

Fifa 09 400

Fifa 10 500

fifa 11 600

FIFA Street 1000

Fight Night 3 700

fight night 4 700

Fight night champion 800

Genji Days of Blade 700

ghost recon 2 advanced warfighter 600

Ghostbusters 900

God of War Collection 900

God of war 3 800

Golden axe beast rider 500

Golden eye 007 900

Gran turismo 5 800

GTA 4 800

Haze 700

Heavenly sword 700

Heavy rain 900

Hellboy: The Science of Evil 700

Hitman Absolution 1500

Homefront 800

Icon Def Jam 800

Infamous 2 900

Iron Man 2 800

Just cause2 800

Kane and Lich 2 Dog Days 900

Killzone 2 700

Killzone 3 900


L.A. Noire 900

Little big planet 700

Lolli pop Chain Saw 900

MAG 700

Marvel vs capcom 3 800

Mass Effect 3 1000

Medal of Honor 800

Metal Gear HD Collection 1000

Metal Gear Solid 4 900

Midnight Club L.A. 900

Motorsport Pacific Rift 700

Motorstorm Apocalypse 900

Naruto Ultimate ninja 2 500

Nascar 08 500

NBA Street Homecourt 600

Need for Speed Most Wanted Limited Edition 1400

NFS pro street 600

NFS the Run 1200

NHL 2K 10 500

Ninga gaiden sigma 700

Operation flashpoint dragon rising 1500

Pes 10 500

pes 2009 400

Portal 2 900

Prince of persia: забытые пески 900

Prison break 600

Rage 900

Ratchet and Clank A crack in time 700

Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction 800

Reckoning 800

Red alert 3 700

Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare 800

Red Faction Armageddon 1000

Resistance 2 800

Resistance 3 900

Resistance Fall of Man 700

Resonance of Fate 700

Ridge Racer 7 700

Saints Row 2 700

saints row 3 1000

Sega Mega Drive Ultimate collection 800

Shaun White scateboarding 600

Singularity 700

Skyrim 1000

Sleeping Dogs 1600

Smackdown vs Raw 09 500

Smackdown vs RAW 2011 600

Sonic Generations 700

Splinter Cell Double agent 600

Split second Velocity 600

Star Wars Force Unleashed 900

steert fighter x tekken 900

street fighters 4 700

super street fighters 4 800

Tekken 6 600

Thor 800

Tna impact wrestling 700

Tom Clancy's Rainbowsix Vegas 700

Tomb Raider underworld 700

UFC 2009 700

UFC 2010 900

Uncharted 3 1000

Uncharted Drakes Fortune 800

Vanquish 800

Virtua fighter 5 700

Virtua tennis 4 800

Warhammer 40000 Space Marine 900

WET 700

White night cronicles 700

Властелин Колец. Война на Севере 1200

Зажигай 800

Рататуй 800

Чародей для Move 800








Игры http://imagehost.spark-media.ru/p3/046A16DF-C498-3B92-053E-781A41A1C39C.jpg



007 From Russia with love 350

15 игр без коробок 3000

Ape Academy 300

Ape Academy 2 300

Assassins creed bloodlines 500

Avatar the game 350

Beaterator 300

beowulf 250

Brothers in arms D Day 400

Call of Duty Roads to victory 400

Chessmaster 400

Coded Arms 500

daxter 250

Dead to rights: Reckoning 350

Disney G-Force 350

Everybody s Golf 300

Evil dead 350

FIFA 06 200

FIFA 08 300

FIFA 09 350

FIFA 09 300

FIFA 11 400

FIFA Street 2 350

Fifa world cup 2010 250

final fantasy 7 250

Football Manager 2008 200

Football Manager 2009 250

Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories 300

GTA Chinatown Wars 400

GTA Vice city stories 400

International athletics 250

Killzone Liberation 1 unb 400

Lego batman 250

Lego Star Wars 400

Medal of Horor Heroes 400

Medal of Horor Heroes 2 400

Metal Gear Solid Acid 500

Metal Gear Solid peace walker 300

MX vs ATV on the edge 350

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 250

Need For Speed Carbon 250

Need For Speed Shift 350

PES 2008 300

PES 6 300

Pursuit Force 350

Ratchet and clank Size matters 350

Resistance Retribution 450

Ridge racer 350

Rocky Balboa 500

Secret agent Clanc 350

silent hill origins 300

Sin city 350

Socom: US Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 350

soul calibur broken destiny 300

Space Invaders evolution 350

Space Invaders extreme 400

Spiderman 3 400

SSX on Tour 350

Star Wars Battlefront 350

Star Wars republic heroes 450

surfs up 250

Tekken dark ressuraction 400

The Warriors 400

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 200

Tomb rider Legend 400

uefa euro 2008 250

Wipeout Pure 250

Worms Open warfare 400

Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса 300







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