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About SeVeR_OK_

  • Rank
    Level 1
  1. Все тип топ ...автору + , а там реально хз на кого попадешь так и выйдет
  2. вот такой разговор состоялся сегодня у меня Sean: Please give me just a moment while I look into this further. Sean: you have not linked your game through origin yet Sean: you need to download the origin client and redeem the game code to gain that access you: Origin client on PS***** ? Sean: on your computer you: Why on my computer if game on PS***** ? Sean: because that is why you are seeing the error message Sean: there are certain steps you have to follow inorder to gain access you: I should download the client on the computer, establish, and me will start up in battlelod? Sean: yes пере
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